Arne L. Kalleberg, David Knoke, Peter V. Marsden, and Joe L. Spaeth. 1996. Organizations in America: Analyzing Their Structures and Human Resource Practices. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN 0-8039-5815-3 (cloth); 0-8039-5816-1 (paper).
Finalist for Academy of Management’s 1997 George R. Terry Award for “Outstanding Contribution to the Advancement of Management Knowledge.”
Based on the findings of the National Organizations Study, this book provides a comprehensive review of the first national survey of organizations in the United States. Using a statistically representative sample, this work is the most authoritative database on the workings of organizations available. The principal investigators of the study use this data set to define what we know about the structure and human resource practices in U.S. organizations and describes:
- The National Organizations Study and its implications
- Specific employment practices—hiring, training, promotion, performance measurement, benefit packages, contingent work—and how they compare between different businesses and business sectors
- Differences between male and female employees
I. The National Organizations Study
1. Organizational Properties and Practices (Arne L Kalleberg et al)
2. Design of the National Organizations Study (Joe L Spaeth and Diane P O’Rourke)
3. American Organizations and Their Environments (Peter V Marsden and Cynthia R Cook and David Knoke)
II. Organizational Structures
4. Bureaucratic Structures for Coordination and Control (Peter V Marsden and Cynthia R Cook and Arne L Kalleberg)
5. Formalizing the Employment Relation (Arne L Kalleberg et al)
6. Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance (Arne L Kalleberg and James W Moody)
III. Organizations’ Human Resource Practices
7. The Staffing Process (Peter V Marsden)
8. Job Training in US Organizations (David Knoke and Arne L Kalleberg)
9. Training, Unions, and Internal Labor Markets (David Knoke and Yoshito Ishio)
10. Organizational Differences in Earnings (Arne L Kalleberg and Mark E Van Buren)
11. The Structure of Organizational Earnings Inequality (Arne L Kalleberg and Mark E Van Buren)
12. Cui Bono? Employee Benefit Packages (David Knoke)
IV. Organizations and The Changing Workforce
13. Contingent Employment in Organizations (Arne L Kalleberg and Kathryn Schmidt)
14. Organizational Patterns of Gender Segregation (Donald Tomaskovic-Devey and Arne L Kalleberg and Peter V Marsden)
15. Gender Differences and Organizational Commitment (Peter V Marsden and Arne L Kalleberg and Cynthia R Cook)
16. Conclusions and Prospects (Arne L Kalleberg et al)
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